Sunday, April 22, 2018


Image result for ingrid carlqvist
"Jews Commit White Genocide as a Hiding Mechanism"

Can the deadly threat to our race be put any plainer than that?

This was the banner of a recent post on the American website, National Vanguard, which does a truly amazing job disseminating important information to white nationalists world-wide.

The gripping lead is an introduction to a recently videoed interview with a dynamic Swedish journalist with bloodhound instincts, Ingrid Carlqvist on Red Ice TV.

 In recent weeks Carlqvist has gotten herself into strife with Swedish Chosenites and their useful idiots over a speech she gave promoting her soon to be released book, From Sweden to Absurdistan. Her current ordeal of pitchforks and fiery torches resulted from her committing the ultimate faux pas of connecting the multicultural catastrophe that has overcome Sweden with a Jewish propulsion system. This of course is something one simply does not do in polite society.

Ingrid's natural curiosity preceded the situation in which she finds herself. She simply wanted to find out how Sweden, a land of archetypically tall, blue eyed blondes being the epitome of racial, cultural and religious homogeneity, could, in a relatively short time, become a crime-plagued dystopia.

Her research led her back to October '64 and an editorial written for Dagen Nyheter, Sweden's largest morning newpaper, by one David Schwartz, a Jew who had spent time in German concentration camps during WW2 where he'd contracted tuberculosis.  After initially being treated in Germany after the war's end and then being treated in an Italian sanatorium until it closed in 1950, he'd gone to live in Sweden. Of course, even with the Holohoax discounted, the experience for Jews in Germany had been their worst nightmare. The chickens had come home to roost with a vengeance. It would no doubt have been traumatic. For a Jew, the perceived "tyranny of the majority" could have gotten no worse.

So, it should not surprise that the main thrust of Schwarz's editorial was that the majority, that is, the Swedes, must begin reducing that (potentially lethal) majority by offsetting itself with minorities (apart from the Jews who had been in but not of Sweden for centuries). He was of course calling for what would become known as multiculturalism. A fiendishly cunning move, one might concede. Instead of sticking out like the proverbial dog's testicles, Jews would be able to surround themselves with camouflage in the form of a variety of other ethnic minorities. An added bonus would be that the new minorities would be coming not from other parts of Europe - that would be naturally totally counterproductive - but from parts of the world axiomatically inferior to the west in which resided people so alien their integration would be an impossible mission. Because of this inability to integrate, the resentment of the newcomers would build into society-wrecking hatred. The the Jew could kick back and now say, "well if you think I'm bad for you, what about them!"  And of course it goes without saying that this is the exact same strategy that has been used in every country of the west that the Jew has decided to transform to one more to his liking.

Schwarz's suggestion didn't take immediately. Indeed, as Carlqvist observes, the very next year the Swedish prime minister was proudly lauding the untold benefits of Swedish homogeneity. However, a mere decade after Schwarz's acting as a signpost pointing in the direction Sweden must travel, the Swedish government was marching obediently in that very direction. How could this have happened? How could, in such a short period, such an important policy be turned 180 degrees? These were the questions that had obsessed Carlqvist.

It was while looking for answers to these perplexing mysteries that amid a pertinent discussion during a get-together with a friend, the friend happen to ask, "have you heard what Barbara Lerner Spectre has to say on the subject?"

"Who?" was Carlqvist's baffled reply. She, like most other Swedes, had never heard of Spectre who like many of her tribe preferred to operate in the shadows. She was soon to be enlightened. Spectre is an American Jewess who followed her rabbi husband to Sweden on his landing a job in a Stockholm synagogue in 2000. Being a modern woman, rather than be perceived as simply an appendage to her husband, she decided she also needed something to do. That something was the founding of Paideia, The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden in 2001. This important sounding organisaton was made possible, according to its website by "grants" from the Swedish Government.

Image result for image of Barbara Spectre

Carlqvist tells an intriguing tale about these so-called grants came to be. Jews have, amongst other unique traits, a remarkable ability to smell an opportunity - even when one doesn't exist. In late 1996, Jewish organisations - this is after taking Swiss banks to the cleaners - accused the Riksbank, the Swedish Central Bank, of sitting on a hoard of looted Nazi gold, an amount pulled out of the air in similar fashion to the magical 6 million, which added up to about 180 tonnes. This obviously being a serious accusation, the Swedish Government promised to launch an investigation immediately. In fact several investigations were rigorously conducted. The Jews were then given the bad news: no evidence of any trace of looted Nazi gold had been uncovered.

Showing a distinct lack of what might be considered natural disappointment, the need for a change of tack was instead recognised by the world's most persistent free-loaders. They laid their cards on the table. Either the bank coughed up something - it need not be the aforementioned 180 tonnes, this being after all simply an ambit claim - or the World Jewish Conference would get on the global public address system and let it be known that the entire Swedish nation had been found to be Anti-Semitic. 

The bank of course buckled. Cheque or cash? Who wanted to become a Jewish version of the Antichrist? A cool 40 million Krona, or 4 million US dollars were quickly doled out. Naturally a proviso was added that the bank was in no way actually obliged to be making this payment; no, it was more of good-will gratuity. This was an extremely polite spin put on what it actually was - money extorted via the tried and trusted method of blackmail.

This was the "grants' made available with which Paideia was made possible. The organisation would be dedicated to Jewish studies, as if any additional reminding was needed in "oh vey, how we've suffered". And, oh yes, it had another string to its bow, at least another string it was prepared to let on about; it would be "educating for active minority citizenship". What did this mean once the smokescreen of obfuscation was blown away?

The meaning was made clear in the notorious video produced as a type of "in house" production made for the delectation of Israeli television viewers but, unfortunately for the master race, escaped t into the wider world, giving the game away completely. Frantic efforts were made to have it disappear from the internet but there was no putting this genie back in the bottle.

It's worth checking out if only for the demonstration of breathtakingly arrogant Jewish chutzpa. But please try and remember, a strong-willed suspension of disbelief is called for.

The purring voice of Spectre would be ideally suited to a matronly type addressing a charity-raising tea party. Strange how one is reminded of the song "Devil with a blue dress on".  Spectre laments the fact that Europe is dreadfully lagging in becoming multicultural. No problem. The Jews are going to step up, take its hand and lead it to its destiny. Has to be done. It's the only way of "saving" it. (Similar immortal words: "We had to destroy the village in order to save it.") Spectre notes in a spectacular understatement that these efforts probably won't be fully appreciated by Europeans. Moreover, Jews will even be resented for their efforts. Isn't that just the way? Whatever we do, we can't win! But Jews are above any bad feelings. They'll suffer, just like they always have. But being a truly noble people, they are prepared to make this sacrifice.

With David Schwarz driving in the first wedge and the despicable Spectre conducting a kind of a mopping up operation years later after Sweden has become transformed almost beyond recognition and is standing on the brink of oblivion, it is really not all that difficult to figure out who the people were who were so busily undermining Sweden in the intervening period.

During the same era, similar white-anting was happening elsewhere in the west. The rest of Europe was being transformed in the same way as Sweden. The 1965 Hart-Cellular Act - Cellular, one of the two congressmen who introduced the bill with Edward Kennedy's support, being of Jewish descent - turned long standing US immigration policy on its head. In Australia it was being decided that the so-called White Australia Policy that had prevented Australia from becoming a third world shit-hole was something evil and to be ashamed of.

Also during this period, the US was fanning fears of all South East Asia going communist, easily explained in the "domino theory". According to the theory, one by one the dominoes would all fall to the red scourge. Little did we realise that while we were being entranced by this set of dominoes, another set was falling - to the Jews.

Sunday, April 15, 2018



Image result for ww2 australian propaganda posters

Fact or fiction? Myth or desperate measure? For more than 75 years the "Brisbane Line" has been argued about, ridiculed, pooh poohed, said to be an excellent idea, said to be a stupid idea, said to have never happened, or if actually contemplated, the result of craven panic. Where is the truth in this long bubbling brew of charge and counter charge?

The popular conception of the Brisbane Line (the term in the WW2 context first coined by General MacArthur) that would be remembered bitterly by Labor Party voters for years to come was a hypothetical marking on the map of Australia arcing from Brisbane to Adelaide. Other versions (which are now said by many to never have existed) wavered between a line from Brisbane to Perth (General MacArthur's brain-snap), a line described by the Darling River (also referred to by MacArthur) and a line around an area resembling a south eastern bulge beginning in Brisbane and concluding in Melbourne. Everything within the bulge would be defended to the last bullet, butcher's knife or pitchfork. Everything outside of the bulge would be rendered useless to an envisioned invading Japanese army. This strategy is as old as war itself and is commonly referred to as a "scorched earth" policy.

What would a devil's advocate have to say about a plan for a withdrawal to the south east and an abandonment of the rest of the continent in the event of a Japanese invasion? How sensible was it? Before any consideration begins, a context is cried out for. These were truly desperate times. In the brief period after the bombing of Pearl Harbor signalled the beginning of the Pacific war, the Japanese Army had rolled juggenaut-like over Malaya, Singapore and the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). The fall of the supposedly impregnable Singapore to a numerically inferior force had sent shock-waves radiating out to the rest of the world but nowhere as traumatically as to Britain and Australia. It seemed the invasion of Australia would quickly follow just as irresistibly. And why not? The country was virtually defenceless. Its army had left home - to fight alongside a British army in the Middle East. All that remained in Australia as a martial presence was a hastily rounded up, insufficiently trained and armed militia. Australia's only hope of salvation was American aid which was virtually begged for but initially met with silence. The US was committed to a "Europe first" policy, which is not to say it had completely put the Pacific War on hold but it was low priority. Moreover, the Pacific plan most appealing to the US government was a direct thrust across the great expanse of ocean as proposed by Admiral Nimitz. The possible fall of Australia was not a fundamental concern. (Although the dismal fate of seven million whites would be regrettable.)

Given all these factors, it would be difficult to not conclude that a circling of the wagons was the only realistic course of action. Although it appears not to have occurred to Australia's political leaders, its military leaders were not completely unaware of the strategic value of heading the Japanese off in New Guinea, but how was this to be done given the state of Australia's military nakedness. One of the few rays of hope was offered by Australia's prime minister, John Curtain finally tearing the 6th and 7th Divisions out of Churchill's clutches and they were heading home albeit perilously devoid of air-cover. Even as the ships bearing the troops were underway, Churchill tried to divert them to the Burmese fiasco where they would have been surely destroyed - either killed or taken as POW's, not much better.

It seemed, with the factor of thousands of miles of coastline impossible to defend added to the country's other woes, a Japanese invasion could not be prevented. In light of all these considerations, a complete withdrawal to the main population centres of the south east, was, if not a good option, the only option. Its main draw-back of course was that Japanese bombers operating from outside the redoubt could bomb the defenders into surrender. Tasmanians would also have been unhappy about being told they were the Australians with the least to worry about. The counter to this would be that, knowing the Japanese, the island would be taken and its residents held to hostage. Surrender, or these people are going the way of the Tasmanian Tiger.

Unknown throughout all of this was that the Japanese high command had decided against invading Australia, Australians or anyone else of course not being privy to their plans. With their lines of supply already stretched to breaking point, they knew they would be biting off more than they could chew. Although the Japanese didn't exactly despise the idea of terrorising Australians with a fear of invasion, the real strategy was to cut Australia off from America so it could not be used as a springboard for American attacks into the underbelly of Japanese power, which is exactly what happened after negative results of the battles of the Coral Sea and Milne Bay had foiled Japanese plans for erecting a barrier between Australia and the US. Contrary to popular belief, the Americans did not come to Australia to save it. America came purely out of self-interest - to launch a second front. If in the process the north or north west of the continent had been lost to the enemy, then so be it. That could be sorted out later. This should have been easily digested food for thought for a never ending parade of Australian politicians who have placed implicit faith in an American alliance.

Now that Australia could relax a little, it was back to politics-as-usual. Right throughout the perceived threat of invasion the idea of a national government comprising the best from both sides of politics had been a moot point because of the toxic animosity between the Labor Party and the United Australia Party. It was about to become even more toxic. Edward "Eddy" Ward was a Labor Party member of the House of Representatives and was known as a "bomb thrower".

He was about to throw a block-buster. Midway through 1943, he let it be known to a stunned and soon to be outraged public that he had discovered plans drawn up by the previous UAP-CP (United Australia Party- Country Party) government that would see the greater part of the country abandoned to Japanese invaders complemented by a scorched earth policy. Adding fuel to the fire, he went as far as to say that no plans had been made for the evacuation of this area. Inhabitants unable to make it to safety off their own bat would be left to their fate. Ward was alone in making these accusations but no effort was made by his prime minister or other members to restrain him. Menzies, the then leader of the Opposition of course vehemently denied these accusations. The episode culminated in Curtain calling for a royal commission during which no evidence to support Ward's claims were uncovered. But the damage was done. The Labor Party went on to win a record majority in the election held that year.

Paul Burns, author of The Brisbane Line Controversy: Political Opportunism Versus National Security, 1942 - 1945, is excoriating of all involved in this tawdry piece of history. He says it "is a tale of political deceit, manipulation, cowardice and betrayal by politicians on all sides for electoral gain, involving shameless exploitation of public fears of Japanese invasion. It culminated in the callous scapegoating of innocent army officers whose only crime was their desire to defend their country in the most effective way possible." He stops barely short of charging treason.

One is reminded of Adolph Hitler's take on party politics in Mein Kampf: "By the introduction of parliamentarianism, democracy produced an abortion of filth and fire, creative fire, which, however seems to have died out."

"The parliament passes some acts of decree which may have the most devastating consequences, yet nobody bears the responsibility for it. Nobody can be called to account. For surely one cannot say that a Cabinet discharges its responsibility when it retires after having brought about a catastrophe."

The catastrophe in the context of Australia in the forties was that for years both sides of politics had been criminally negligent in allowing the countries defences to atrophy to the point of defencelessness.  

Burns goes on to reveal the rank hypocrisy of Ward and his quietly complicit Labor Party cronies. In 1942, just after it had won power from the UAP-CP coalition the Labor Party had implemented an exact replica of the retreat-to-the-south-east strategy for which they would be denouncing their political opponents.

In a stroke of pure serendipity, historian Sue Rosen, when doing research on Murray River Red Gum forests on behalf of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service in January 2012 when she discovered a file that had little to do with Red Gums or indeed any other kind of tree. As she recounts, it instead:

" ... detailed the "Wartime Activities of the Forestry Commission by a subcommittee headed by NSW Forestry Commissioner, EHF Swain. Glancing through the first few pages, I read phrases such as 'Total War' and 'Battle Stations for All' and 'Defence in Depth'. As I read on, it dawned on me that I had found buried treasure. These somewhat tatty, yellowing papers detailed plans for implementing in New South Wales the "scorched earth" policy adopted in 1942 by the Curtain government amid fears of on imminent Japanese invasion." Perhaps in an effort to avoid startling the horses too much, the "Scorched Earth Code" would become somewhat of a euphemism: the "Denial of Resources to the Enemy Policy. The entire package was stored in readiness by the Curtain Labor Government. And quite a package it was. The reproduced documents would fill an entire book produced by Rosen entitled, "Scorched Earth: Australia's secret plan for total war under Japanese invasion in World War 11.

Although Paul Burns splits semantic hairs in avoiding a conclusion that a Brisbane Line in fact existed exactly as "Bomb Thrower" Ward presented it, one would need to be on reality-dissolving drugs in order to claim that the myth had been "busted".  All that had been busted was the reputations of Australian military leaders, primarily Home Forces Commander, Lieutenant-General, Ivan Mackay, a highly decorated officer from WW1, who had conducted a comprehensive study on behalf of the Menzies/Fadden government in regard to Australia's defences vis-a-vis the forces Japan could throw at them and had concluded that it would be impossible for Australia on its own to resist an invasion. Throughout the duration of the war, Mackay would never be given the responsibilities his natural talents and abilities should have ensured him receiving. A black cloud of "defeatism" dogged him.

If history had taken a turn for the worse and Australia had have been invaded, it would be fair to conclude the Japanese would have had to pay dearly for their stay here. Napoleon's dictum that men fight harder to keep their country than men trying to take it from them would have been the Australian's first advantage. Secondly, the populace was well armed - far better than it is today - and both men and women knew how to shoot. Thirdly, the enemy would have been a long way from home in a naturally inhospitable environment far different to any they were used to. Fourthly, apart from a few "aliens" the population was totally homogeneous. The people were all in it together. Whatever their fate, it would be shared. If death were to be that fate, little doubt exists that the Australian people would have died hard. An Asian Australia was their worst possible nightmare. Little could they have imagined that in less than half a century traitorous governments would be well on their way to transforming the country into what they most feared and hated.

It's difficult to resist speculating on how it would have panned out if Australia had been then "multicultural". All those dual nationalities. How long would it have taken for all those so situated to decide that the Australian side of the equation was the one they could do without? Moreover, how long would it have taken for passages to be booked to places which, after one had thought about it, were after all their true homes. Australia though had been a nice place to visit.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

THE MAN WHO PUT AUSTRALIA ON THE MAP AND THEN GAVE IT A NAME : The Adventures of Mathew Flinders. Part 2

Matthew Flinders (1774-1814), by unknown artist, c1800

After an epic display of seamanship and navigation in tackling the wild southern sea in the sloop Norfolk with Bass and a small crew to prove once and for all that Van Diemen's Land was in fact an Island, Flinders returned to England on the Reliance with a remarkable and daring proposition. He proposed solving the great remaining mystery of the Antipodes - whether Terra Australis was one land mass or several by circumnavigating it.

 By letter, he made the proposal - really the outline of a magnificent obsession - to no other than Sir Joseph Banks, to whom Flinders' growing reputation had already reached, and was evidently intrigued. Furthermore, Banks being a man of wealth, fame and remarkable influence, was just the man to facilitate the realization of Flinders' ambition. He was also aware of the strategic and scientific advantages such a voyage could provide.

 To give a better idea of Banks' influence, after he'd gained the go-ahead from the Admiralty for the expedition, he asked, "[i]s my proposal for the alteration in the undertaking for the Investigator approved?" the reply was "any proposal you make will be approved. The whole is left entirely to your decision."

The alteration he was asking for, unsurprising given Banks' obsessive interest in and encyclopedic knowledge of Botany, was to have included in the crew botanist, Robert Brown, gardener, Peter Good and the artist, Ferdinand Bauer to paint what couldn't be transported back to England. Apart from these three, once news of the planned mission spread, Flinders was inundated with requests from men wanting to join his crew, putting him in position to be able to hand-pick the best and the brightest. Captain and crew would all be young men for a young man's mission.

"Investigator" was the perfectly apt new name given to the ship chosen for the journey envisaged to take three years. It had started life in 1795 as a mercantile vessel named the Fram, and had been bought by the Navy in 1798 and renamed the Xenophon after a famous general of ancient Greece. As the Investigator, extensive refitting would be needed to tailor it more for exploring than fighting. By being directly given command of this vessel, Flinders became the youngest ever captain in the history of the British Navy, albeit, one not to have taken command of a ship only on the incapacitation or death of the former captain

It was during this period the "love interest" that formed the back-bone of Ernestine Hill's acclaimed historical novel, My Love Must Wait, moved centre-stage. She was Ann Chapell. The two had known each other since very young. Ann was blind in one eye from a smallpox lancing. She has been described as "loved by all who knew her". She was of considerable intellectual strength with a talent for painting wildflowers. Literature and poetry were passionate interests.

Not knowing exactly how the refitting of his ship would take, Mathew, feeling now a man of means and able to take on the responsibility of marriage knew he had to act fast. Without informing Banks or his naval superiors out of fear obstacles being placed in his planned marital path, he decided to present them with a fait accompli. With only relatives and a few close friends present, a hastily organised marriage was performed. With the precedent of the wives of ship's captains accompanying them on voyages already set, Flinders felt confident no prohibition would be placed on his taking Ann back to Terra Australis with him. Of course it wouldn't be a naval voyage in the accepted sense but he had planned for that. He explained to Ann that he was acquainted with several good women, the wives of officials back in Port Jackson, who would be only to happy to provide accommodation and support while he was away exploring. Ann was fully accepting of this proposal and was looking forward to the adventure.

But alas, the best laid plans .... When Banks discovered what must have seemed a plot, he was less than thrilled. Navy officialdom was similarly affected. The upshot was that it was let known to Flinders that no-one would try to stop Ann sailing off with him but there was no telling what consequences it produce in terms of his career (in which it was no secret he was royally ambitious). This was a cruel blow to the young lovers. However, after what must have been agonised decision making, Flinders, driven by single-minded ambition since boyhood to be a famous explorer, made up his mind. He would leave Ann behind. After all, he would write every opportunity that presented itself, and and the anticipated period of his absence would pass in no time. Little did they know that it would be nine years before their reunion.

The sweet sorrow of parting was prolonged by the Admiralty's dithering in giving Flinders the green light for departure long after the Investigator was ship-shape and ready to go. Three months were to pass with the couple feeling that any day could be among their last together.

At last on July 18, 1801, the loops of the ship's tethers to the capstans were lifted and it was sailed east from Spithead before turning south on what would be Flinders' third visit to Terra Australis. It's not difficult to imagine the euphoria of the crew engendered by cruising into the open sea after months of inactivity and frustration. However, for Flinders, the joy must have been tempered by the sight of the diminishing figure of his new wife waving her last goodbye from the dock.

The made good time and were soon being sling-shot around the Cape of Good Hope and into the fury of the "Roaring Forties".  But at least in heading east in the same direction as the wind their progress was supercharged. In the years to come, ships sailing in the opposite direction, even the great clippers before they were superseded by steamers would battle sometimes for weeks trying to round the Cape, often going backwards, often giving up all together, turning around and going the long way round via Cape Horn. (James Michener in his novel, Hawaii provides a compelling sense of what this would have been like.)

Even more difficult to imagine than the crew's elation at finally beginning the voyage is their joy at sighting land after weeks in pitching seas on a fragile, wooden ship. The land they were sighting on December 6, 1801 was the south west corner of Australia where a towering light-house now stands guard. It is also now, at least as far as Australian is concerned, where the Indian Ocean meets the Southern Ocean. Flinders named it Cape Leeuwin after the Dutch ship Leeuwin (Lioness) which had been known to sail along the nearby coast in 1622, and then all but fade from history. This then was the southernmost point of New Holland, so named by Abel Tasman.

New Holland, Terra Australis or New South Wales? The problem arises in a similar fashion to a group of blind men feeling parts of an elephant and wondering if they belonged to the same creature.
The term Terra Australis, or to give it its full mouthful, Terra Australis Incognita, preceded the other two terms even before it had been established that the land was any more than a legend. When the Dutch touched one side of the elephant, the name, New Holland, was a sure way of claiming a first contact (and possible possession if the original evaluation of it not worth possessing were to ever change).

 Between Tasman's visit in 1644 and Cook's discovery of the other side of the elephant in 1770, New Holland was the name for all between. However, for obvious reasons, this didn't suit the British in whose name the land was being claimed. It seems no time at all was taken in coming up with the name, New South Wales. However, perhaps chary of biting off more than they could chew, they were amenable to continue calling the side west of longitude 135 degrees of the mysterious land, New Holland. Presumably the location of the split was liable to re-calibration if the natural divide of a suspected strait running south-north was eventually discovered.

 From the cape, all along the underside of the hulking continent, they were in completely uncharted waters and this was where the real work of Flinders began - charting those waters, so treacherous that in the years to come they would be littered with the rotting bodies of hundreds of shipwrecks.

The progress was slow because Flinders was absolutely meticulous in his cartography. For example, whereas Cook, a master navigator himself who had greatly inspired Flinders, sailed constantly north from south of Botany Bay and was naturally only able to chart the coast by day, Flinders returned every day to the exact location at which his previous day's mapping was forced to cease by the setting sun. Where landings were possible in the ship's cutter he would land himself, climb to the highest point and measure angles by theodolite.

The daily entries in Flinders' log which would be transcribed into his A Voyage to Terra Australis show that the work of mapping the southern coast of Australia was proceeding as planned with almost the sense of a work-a-day world permeating it. However excitement must have been building on seeing the land falling away into the gulf that Flinders would name Spencer's Gulf after Lord Spencer (ancestor of the late Diana, Princess of Wales). Giving rise to the excitement was a burning question: did a straight divide New Holland from New South Wales, discharging water into the Gulf of Carpentaria from an opening roughly on the same longitude on the south side of the continent - something like Spencer's Gulf? This was a question that intrigued many, including Flinders, Banks, Governor of NSW, Phillip Gidley King and John Hunter who had preceded him. Rudimentary maps of the Gulf of Carpentaria produced by the Dutch showed it to be closed. It had been over one and a half centuries since Tasman visited the Gulf in 1644 and records of that voyage had disappeared. All things considered, the British didn't quite trust the mapping by the Dutch. It was still thought possible that they could have missed something as prominent as an opening to a strait.

But before the gulf could be entered, disaster struck on Sunday, February 21 1802. Off the island Flinders would name Thistle's Island, with the ship's fresh water supply alarmingly low, the ship's master, John Thistle, a midshipman and six crewman were sent to the island in a cutter to search for replenishment.

Just before dusk, the cutter was sighted returning to the ship. It was lost sight of "rather suddenly" (1) and a half hour later had still not arrived back at the ship. A Lieutenant Fowler was sent in a boat in search of the cutter but it was a futile exercise. He arrived back at the ship and reported that at the location of the cutter's last sighting, he met "so strong rippling of tide that he himself narrowly escaped being upset"(2). Strong suspicions were therefore raised that this same phenomenon may have caused the disappearance of the cutter.

In the new day the boat was sent again and this time returned as a funerial image  - towing the upturned and badly damaged cutter, so bad it appeared to have been dashed on rocks. Although with the likely fate of the missing men all but certain - none of them could swim well - a forlorn search was continued before the expedition got sadly back under way. Flinders would take it hard, his emotion not quite belied in the "stiff upper lip" style of his official accounting. In his journal he lamented the incident happening when it did, just before dark. Had there been more light left in which to search, he felt the outcome may have been different. He'd served with Thistle for around eight years. They were firm friends. The rest of those lost were well liked by him. The officers and crew would naturally have been shattered by so devastating a loss.

It seems that it was difficult for Flinders to eventually give the order to sail away from the area, but with drinking water now procured at such a terrible cost, he did. There was work to be done and a mission to complete. Names given to geographical points in the proximity of the disaster were chosen to memorialise the departed shipmates. The protrusion of land just to the west of the island named after his good friend, Flinders aptly named Cape Catastrophe.

Modern day tourists motoring along the bottom of Australia would probably be surprised to learn that just about every salient landmark was named by Flinders including Kangaroo Island, the long, piece of land crouching across  a strait from the mainland, that would become the somewhat anarchic home of sealers, whalers and escaped convicts even before Adelaide was settled. From the mainland, it seems to hover like a mirage along the horizon. Archaeologists have concluded that Aborigines abandoned the island over five thousand years ago. The reason why is a mystery. They wouldn't return - at least female representatives of the race - until as concubines of the rough white men of the island. A close point on the mainland to the island where a small town now squats was named Cape Jervis by Flinders. Sealink ferries now shuttle between Cape Jervis and the island.

Kangaroo Island features in the voyage of discovery because of the deliverance it provided to the men of the Investigator. This time it was not the lack of water that was the problem; it was the lack of food. The Kangaroos breeding to abundance in the relatively confined space of the island, even though the country's third largest - naturally enough suggesting a name for the location - transported the seamen from famine to feast. Several days were spent here, hunting, and after being deprived of fresh food for so long, gorging on Kangaroo steaks and boiling down half a hundred weight of heads and tails into soup that would last them days into the continuing journey. The lost shipmates perhaps hovered like ghosts at a banquet.

(1)  Flinders, A Voyage to Terra Australis, Volume 1
(2)  ibid

To be continued

Friday, April 6, 2018


Image result for image of Chinese troops marching

It could have been the Chinese feed I'd had the night before; it had tasted a little off. Or it may have had something to do with my recent messing about with attempts at lucid dreaming, the springboard to astral travelling or out-of-body-experience. Then again, it may have been the hallucinogenics devoured during a misspent youth coming back to bight me on the arse. Whatever, it had me fearful of falling to sleep for the next few nights.

I'd woken up sweating and it had been a cool night. I was gasping for breath. It seemed I'd stopped breathing. I was fearful, not sure where I was in space or time. Long, tense moments passed before realising I'd returned from the worse nightmare I could remember.

I had been in some point in the future, how far into the future was impossible to tell. Going by the political-social setup, I had skipped an impressive number of years. The world had been turned upside down, inside out and shaken all about. Oddly though, the material world was barely changed. Clothes, cars, computers, mobile phones had all trodden water.

Most of us whites were now living in squatter camps outside of country towns after being shunted from the major cities. the People's Liberation Army had invaded several years ago, although we weren't allowed to call it that now. It had been an "intervention" to protect the badly treated Chinese minority in Australia. Ha! That was a laugh on several levels. Firstly, the Chinese "minority" now greatly outnumbered the white minority, and that was largely because of our women failing to be convinced of the necessity of reproducing at replacement level. Secondly, it was the Chows who'd started the trouble, arrogantly lording it over us from their powerful positions in business and finance and their cosy establishment in the best real estate in the country. You could tell they despised us. And it was we who were supposed to be the racists!

By then every ethnic group in the country was at each other's throat. The multicultural house of cards - "the most successful multicultural society the world had seen" - could only be kept standing when there was plenty to go around, with extra of course going to the ethnics. But when resources began to dwindle after the economic crash - well, it was on. It was only then that we discovered how much they all hated us. But admittedly, the most bitter conflict was between  the Chows and us, or at least those of us who refused to join with our cowardly, self-loathing, one-worlder co-racialists who were saying it was poetic justice for we ourselves "stealing" the land from the true owners who had been innocently and harmoniously tripping through  fields of wild flowers and epitomising Rousseau's "noble savage". But guess who had the last laugh there though. These fools had who had thought assuming the position would put them in good stead with the new masters were cruelly disillusioned. The Chow soldiers appeared to despise them most of all and treated them accordingly. At least with those of us who had put up some resistance, they appeared to accord at least a modicum of respect.

The fate of the Aborigines was also irony at its finest. For years the People's Republic of China had been using the bleating of Australian left/liberals about "invasion" and "theft" of the land to meld it almost artistically into the propaganda being beamed at us telling us that our ownership of the land was illegitimate. This was amplified one hundred fold when push finally came to shove and a few of our less cowardly political leaders had the temerity to protest. More galling to the Chinese was some of our heroic military leaders refused the order to stand down. The odds against them though were appalling. With huge fifth column, comprising some from families who had been here for generations, providing intelligence, guidance and spying, the Chow soldiers were always one step ahead of our boys. After being smashed in organised battles, resistance rapidly descended into guerrilla warfare aided by those of us civilians who'd managed to avoid being disarmed by our own government's edict, and a scorched earth exercise which unfortunately in a particularly dry Summer, got out of hand. The resisters - those who hadn't been shot, blown up or burnt to death - were rounded up. Denounced by their own government as traitors, they were summarily executed.

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I'd escaped the dragnet only because of long acquaintance with a Chow originally from what was once called Taiwan who hated the mainlanders for the brutal way they'd occupied his country when he was a young boy and was willing to vouch for me and testify that I had not been part of the resistance.

The occupation of Taiwan had occurred straight after the US had inevitably collapsed just like the old Soviet Union, only infinitely worse, into anarchy, blood-drenched pogroms against the Jews, civil wars and extended catastrophe, under the weight of its own contradictions and refusal to face reality ("there is no such thing as race") Aztlan had been achieved and was bulging with the refuse of South and Central America who still flooded into the American dream that now only survived in their imagination.

 One of the last acts of the combined white militias was to storm the UN in New York and slaughter everyone inside. For decades it had been essentially irrelevant and on the brink of financial starvation once the Americans had refused to continue with its lion's share of the funding. It had been kept on life support only by contributions from obscenely wealthy Jews. There was undoubtedly an agenda behind this but no-one could quite figure out what it was.

With all this unimaginable chaos raging, the Russians essentially just waltzed in to physically remove America's nukes in the same way they'd done with the French and British weapons of mass destruction. Western Europe now only existed in geographical terms. In the French civil war, whites had fought bravely but had little chance of winning. Germany, still stupefied by the drip-feed of guilt about its supposed evil past, had basically decided national suicide was the only decent thing to do. Britain had become Muslim by democratic vote that, once counted, meant Britain was no longer a democracy.

Four European caliphates now existed and all were fighting each other for supremacy. This, and the ongoing fighting between Sunni and Shia over who was the rightful successor to Mohamed had most of Europe looking like Middle Eastern countries destroyed by Israel courtesy of their American proxy at the end of the twentieth century.

The Russian Federation which now also included Hungary and Poland and a few smaller states were the West's last chance. The area covered by these states had become a kind of nature reserve dedicated to the preservation of an endangered species - the White Man

Back here in Australia though, and most amazingly, Aborigines who were just as aware as the rest of us of what had happened during and after the fighting didn't seem to think that any of this applied to them. Some even seemed to think that the Chinese army was really here to aid them in correcting historical wrongs. While the rest of us were aghast, they began protesting in Brisbane. The new arrivals seemed to be at first bemused and then amused, even entertained by the Aborigines who, while chanting, "our land will not be stolen a second time - twice is too much", were going full tribal with billows of smoke, droning didgeridoos and colourful traditional dancing. Encouraged by signals they were completely misreading, the blacks upped the ante and began incorporating what appeared to be  hostility into the exercise, lunging with spears toward the Chinese soldiers before retreating to the back foot. They'd only done this a few times before an order was barked out and a deafening volley of automatic rifle fire crashed through the hot afternoon.

After the smoke and stench of cordite dissipated, almost one hundred Aboriginal bodies could be seen lying still and quiet in widening pools of blood. The terrible scenes were shown and re-shown on  now state-controlled national television. The message was loud and clear: this is how we roll when you piss us off. Some survivors were already on the run but it wouldn't last long. An order had gone out from the military command. Someone translated it for us: "round up these monkeys". All who were recognizably Aboriginal meekly accepted their fate and were then languishing in concentration camps in the desert. Word got back that their guards were treating them like animals in a zoo. The speed with which  "Aborigines" who were barely distinguishable from whites but for years had been proudly celebrating "their" culure, but now decided they were white after all, was close to Warp Speed. A few of us less noble whites tried to drop them into the Chows but only copped bad hidings themselves because they weren't believed. How could these white people possibly be Aborigines? Fake news wasn't to their liking.

What remained of our multicultural, multiracial government which had decided that discretion was the better part of valour was now falling over itself in its rush to acquiesce to demands, even to the point of putting out press releases to the effect that the PLC had been invited in to help stabilise a country spiralling into anarchy. Besides, it was added, wasn't this a prudent measure given that Indonesia, now fully Islamised, and for whatever reason - probably something resembling a racial inferiority complex - had always hated Australia, and had been acting increasingly hostile toward us, had recently had a plan of attack uncovered? Which was better, an Islamic Australia or one being "aided" by China? It was no secret that China still retained the trappings of communism shorn of its economic nonsense, but which still included a loathing of all forms of religion. It had no real interest in Indonesia itself, viewing it as too much trouble to get involved with. It was content to let it wither on the vine now that most of the Middle East, including Israel, was little more than smouldering, radioactive ruin, and with it the well-spring of Islamic revivalism. But China as sure as hell wouldn't be allowing Indonesia to become a replacement exporter of radical Islam.

 Also on the Chinese list of places to avoid was the long ago failed state of Papua New Guinea where cannibalism was re-ememerging. The Chows spoke of these "black devils" with a shudder. All in all, China was quite content with its hop, step and a jump straight to Australia where legendary amounts of mineral resources lay, Garden-of-Eden-like farmland and wide open spaces for the homeland's excess population were ripe for the picking. A clandestine agreement between the Australian and Chinese governments regarding the exportation of the excess population to Australian had been formalised decades previously but the requisite speed of the population transfer was sorely lacking, the PRC government had decided.

The remainder of South East Asia had been allowed a measure of autonomy as long as it deferred to China on major issues and maintained a flow of tribute to the resurrection of the Middle Kingdom. A suzerainty also existed regarding unified Korea and Japan, the latter though brought kicking and screaming into the reserve. That was until the PRC promoted lavish demonstrations and exhibitions through what was called "Remembering Nanking Week". This was followed by three nuclear weapon tests in quick succession. Japan suddenly became exceedingly meek and submissive.

They didn't mind that we still used the term, Australia. It didn't really matter. The Chinese being famous as long-term thinkers were patient enough for us to die out and take the name with us. We found out though from someone who could speak Mandarin that the Chows were calling out land Xin Nan Zhongguo (New South China)

We had been told our living in the camps while the Chows lived it up with white whores in the cities was only temporary. We had been designated as farm labourers. How many white workers would be needed to pick a peach? That was the obvious question. We didn't have to worry about that we were told. Even as we spoke, massive desalination plants and pumping stations were being built around the country. This new infrastructure would be used to make the deserts bloomed. The country would become a food-bowl. We knew that was bullshit. The Chows still had massive expanses of desert in their own back yard. If they couldn't do anything with that, how were they going to succeed here?

Still, what could you do? Some of us had escaped to the Russian Federation by freighter but now the ports were locked up tighter than a Crusader's wife's chastity belt. Resistance was futile. A mania developed of "what if?" What if we had long ago resolved to stay strong and not fallen for the "strength in diversity" bullshit" when all the time nature screams at you that it is in homogeneity that real strength, pride, and a determination to survive resides. Suicide was becoming a plague. It was beginning to loom personally as a more or less honourable way to exit this hopelessness. I began thinking of ways to do it. By gunshot was now impossible. I thought of jumping but knew that as soon as I launched myself I'd think it was a bad idea. It was while musing on these possibilities that I came across a vagabond plastic bag. I found a quiet spot, out of the way, and put it over my head.

That was when I woke up gasping for breath.