Senator Fraser Anning is a loose cannon once again in the Australian Senate after being kicked out of Bob Katter's Australia Party. The good news is that, now an independent, free of party strings he is entirely his own man and able to say what he wants - not that being a party member really hampered him in that but at least he will not be tied down by having to toe any party line.
More good news is that after the recent furor of his having the temerity to state that a ban should be put on Muslim immigration and, further, all immigration should be returned to what it once was, that is, from similar or the same racial stock as it originally was (gasp!), and now after his being punted from his second supposedly nationalist party - the first being Pauline Hanson's One Nation, the concomitant publicity has blown him out of relative obscurity into national prominence. Incidentally, Hanson expressed as much shock and disgust at Anning's opinions on immigration (what have they done to you dear?) as the entire politically correct parliamentary brigade who, en mass, wore expressions befitting a man who had been caught by surprise by a particularly sad fart in a crowded elevator.
This entire episode in indicative of the parlous state to which we have descended. Here is one lone voice in the supposed house of the people's representatives, almost Canute-like, trying to turn back the tide, warning of the fate we are being herded toward - a fate worse than national death: national suicide.
Katter himself swings like a weather vane. He initially supported Anning to the hilt. "Solid gold," he said of the man and his opinions. But now his support has obviously wilted like neglected celery. Curiously, in the meantime he has come out strongly in support of gun ownership. To justify his stand he claims the country needs men with rifles who know how to use them in case of attack by a foreign power (true, and the source of some comfort when in the forties when the nation was transfixed by the possibility of a Japanese invasion). However he goes further by saying the country also needs guns in case of attack or attacks by an internal enemy although he doesn't name this enemy - as if he had to. So, boiled down, Katter thinks banning Muslim immigration an egregious violation of human rights, but appears to harbour no such scruples when it might come to shooting Muslims. Oddly enough, this seems to have flown over the MSM radar, normally as sensitive to out-of-bounds play as an electron microscope. But it's really not all that difficult to work out the real reason Katter has dropped Anning like a used sanitary pad, a man he had a short time earlier likened to a nugget of pure gold. Included in Anning's "inflammatory" statements about immigration were the words, "final solution", as in a final solution to our problem of population replacement, but of course a certain tribe began shrieking and wailing because of the their associating Anning's phrase with that used by the Third Reich in regard to the final solution of the Jewish problem - die Endlosung. This, naturally was beyond the pale (no pun intended). In lockstep, Australian parliamentarians, well aware of who never to upset, no matter what, joined the same dots. Back to Katter. He is obviously fully aware of what the highest per capita immigration (of non-whites) in the world is doing to Australia, as it is intended to do. "As a race," he had bravely and astonishingly stated at the pinnacle of the brouhaha, "we are being buried by immigration." But by the same token, he is obviously totally clueless about who is ultimately responsible for the burying of the entire west by this strategy as evidenced by his rushing to paint himself as just as much of a philo-Semite as his parliamentary buddies. Oh, how we are suffering also because of this outrage, although suffering as we might we'll never be able to suffer like you who have turned suffering into an art-form. Of course it's impossible to know whether Anning has a greater insight into this phenomenon than these clowns but one suspects he does, or at least hopes he does. One can only hope he is the odd man out on this ship of fools. And yes, he is only one man but, as is said about lotteries, if you don't buy a ticket .... Write and give him your support: Senator Fraser Anning GPO Box 228 Brisbane, Queensland Australia 4001 |
If you agree that multiculturalism, mass third world immigration and sheep-like adherence to the New World Order are not only a betrayal of the Australian people but are as well a betrayal of, and an egregious insult to our ancestors and the founders of the Australian nation and if you would prefer not to see the white race hounded to extinction here and in the rest of the world, this site is for you. If you are at least open-minded in respect of these subjects, this site is for you also.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
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