The poor Thais. They just don't seem to have a clue when it comes to multiculturalism. Like every other Asian or, come to think of it, every other non-western nation, they are not only not interested in it, they avoid it like one would an AIDS infected platoon of Jihadists.
Western leftists however are strangely silent on the matter. It's as though they have been hypnotising themselves in mirrors in order to seal off this perhaps troubling matter. After all, with the West hogging all the fantastic benefits of diversity and everyone else not seeing so much as a lead slug of all this treasure - or even a razoo in the Australian language - aren't all those obsessed egalitarians at least a little discomforted by this egregious lack of equality. Perhaps, but they are even more uneasy about how this type of question tends to cause painful awareness of the corner they've painted themselves into. It's as unanswerable as the old 'have you stopped beating your wife yet?' The answer that dare not be spoken is that the reason for the singular lack of interest in multiculturalism in non-white countries is that, well, you see, they just haven't evolved to the stratospherically high moral plane that we whites have. But that of course would be leaking racism all over the place. These poor benighted souls just don't know what is good for them. One day though they'll catch up. To uphold the sanctity of multiculturalism, this is the only answer that can be given, which is the reason it's not.
The correct answer is though of course that non-westerners aren't quite as silly as these idiot leftist tend to think. Of course many differences exist between the East and the West but most salient to our argument is that the former is healthy in that it has a dynamic sense of self-preservation, while the latter is sick and is hell-bent on suicide. Also, at risk of sounding conspiratorial, non-white, non-Christian countries don't have enemies who see them as their most dire threat and won't rest until they are destroyed, which naturally isn't the case with the West.
Also, unlike the West, intent on erasing its own past, the non-West knows only too well the deadly consequences of losing its memory. With teeming multitudes sharing a massive, easily navigable land mass, thousands of years of racial, ethnic and religious conflict have taught Asians, for example, that containment - very much like a defence against a deadly disease - is the only solution.

In the nations of Asia that have steadfastly resisted the mind-bending of Communism, very similar to the mind-rerouting of leftist PC in the West, an instinctual, experience-reinforced understanding of human nature survives as immovable as the pyramid of Giza and as essentially immutable as human nature itself. The New Socialist Man of the communists was only sustainable while populations were trampled upon with lead boots of oppression. After the inevitable fault-lines began appearing, the grotesquely misshapen version of human nature sprung straight back into its true form and, to paraphrase the late, great Jim Morrison, the whole shit-house burnt down. The same will happen in the west when New Multicultural Man is vomited straight back up into the faces of the lunatics who've taken charge of the asylum. Their version of reality carries within itself the explosive packed seeds of its own destruction. The grim difference though between the fall of Communism and the fall of the religion of multiculturalism is that, with the latter, so much chaos, death and destruction will probably ensue, we will be thrust back to our own year zero. And possibly with hopelessly mongrelised populations, that is where we may stay.

Of all the countries of the so-called Third World, Thailand is an eminent example of a nation which can only shake its collective head at the madness of the West and do everything in its power to avoid going anywhere near that same descent into the abyss. It therefore positions itself at the diametric opposite of that of the West by being one of the most monocultural nations in the world. To a degree, it, like the rest of the Orient is unavoidably westernised. This however, is largely a veneer, underneath which a rich culture reaches back thousands of years. It obviously doesn't need 'enrichment' but if it was in the interests of those insisting on enrichment of Western societies, it would no doubt be found to be sorely in need of that diabolical process. What has been conveniently dropped down the memory hole is that the nations of the west, standing as they did on the shoulders of the Greeks, the Romans, Shakespeare, Goethe, Beethoven, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Newton, the giants of the art world along with a supporting cast too numerous too mention, the pre-enrichment West also had an extremely rich culture.

A polemically opposed attitude also prevails in Thailand. It is a nation that is proud of itself. It has no interest in donning a hair shirt or flagellating itself - all consuming pastimes of the West. And it's not as though Thailand is a nation without skeletons in its closet. Conveniently forgotten, for example that, if not an actual ally of Japan during World War 2, it was though exceedingly helpful - probably more so than it was to the US during the Vietnam War. But evidently the Thais also have an instinctual understanding of how never-ending guilt can corrode and undermine a nation, just as much as it can eventually destroy an individual person. Once again, Thailand has opted for health rather than sickness.
In stark contrast to the West whose institutions, where if you listen carefully you will be rewarded with the non-stop sound of munching white-ants, in Thailand it is its institutions that hold it together as firmly as if by Roman cement. There is simply one culture. That's not to say different ethnic groups don't
exist in Thailand. They do - a lot of them. If though they care to have their own traditions and celebrate their own historical events, they do so without too much fuss and on their own dime and on the explicit condition that they respect the overarching culture. The exception would be the relatively primitive hill-tribes people who, where formerly they were far more neglected than our own Aborigines ever were, are now, after the error of its own way was recognised by the Thai political leadership, considerably helped out by the government.

As the thirty million visitors to Thailand every year can attest to, Thai culture is distinct, and as colourful as a freshly painted neighbourhood in Buenasaires. It has its own own cuisine, its own form of dance, its own language - even its own alphabet - and of course its own greatly revered king. Lese- mageste is a serious offence in Thailand. Just damaging a banknote with an image of the king on it can get you into trouble. Several years ago a man fell foul of the lese-mageste law by destroying a picture of the king. A lawyer provided proof that the man was a certified nut-job. Nevertheless, his client still landed in the slammer. Before the showing of films in Thai cinemas, images of the king appear on the screen. Even Muslims who refuse here to stand up before magistrates, would have to think hard about whether not standing up at this point would be a good idea. Perhaps then he could find reason for standing up before someone other than Allah.
A golden rule, long forgotten in the west, which drips of irony given that it includes the name Rome, so must have been formulated in the West, stands unassailable in Thailand. It is of course this: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
In stark contrast to feminised, pansy-arsed Australia where even tough footballers are forced to wear pink, Thailand in a singularly masculine nation, therefore ruled by its head and not girly emotions. Whereas, for example, considerable pants-wetting would be the result of even mild scolding from the UN Commission on Human Rights, to Thailand, it would be water off a duck's back. The modern Western sickness of pathological altruism would meet a shield of total immunity in Thailand where the national interest is truly paramount, and not the joke that Australian politicians carry on about.
Thailand is as free-wheeling as its possible to be in today's globalised world. It goes it own sweet way. And here's a huge laugh, a guffaw in fact: if Australia were ever to cast off the shackles of an evil, tyranical Britain and step out into pure republican sunshine it would still be sitting on the launching pad in comparison to the high orbiting independence of Thailand under a constitutional monarchy.

Overheard in chilli joint on a soi just off Rama 1V Road in Bangkok: 'Stupid round-eyes. And just think - we used to see them them as superior beings, ha ha ha.'
'Yes, that's a good one, ha ha ha.
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