Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Get moving! : Stock Photo

 Well, I've been down so Goddamn long
That it looks like up to me
Well, I've been down so very damn long
That it looks like up to me
Yeah, why don't one you people
C'mon and set me free
 - The Doors

Right from when we are very young and are already learning to feel sorry for ourselves we are reminded that, no matter how hard done by we feel, there is always someone worse off. These days however in which the evil "patriarchy" lies as shattered as the stature of Ozymandias, when the white man looks about for those even worse off, he discovers, at least in terms of rights he's at the end of the line. He's everybody's punching bag, especially that of his own women.

His ancestors were world-shakers. Milder types quaked in fear at the mere sight of them. As a pagan, unchained by religiously inspired remorse or feel-good altruism, the white man was as unstoppable as water bursting through a dam wall.

Tamed by civilization, he began the process of using his intellect to unlock the physical mysteries of the universe. He and made them his servants while the the ignorant huddled in superstitious fear. While others shied from the unknown, he explored the earth and rolled out empires over great swathes of it. He took life that was "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short" as his raw material and converted it to unimagined luxury and ease.

What happened? Some would say it was this very luxury and ease that proved to be his downfall. Eliminating the brutality and savagery from life interfered with the natural selection that would have removed the less fit for survival, allowing the meek to not only proliferate wildly, but to also inherit the earth. Included among the inheriting meek was woman, who in a state of nature needed the protection of one man in order to stave off being a slave to all. Only in the artificiality of modern western life could woman pretend she did not need man.

Others aver that it was satanically inspired world-wars that not only destroyed the best genes of his race, but shook the white man's self-confidence to its core and, almost in inverse proportion, increased the confidence of other races who had discovered in the white man's self-destructive folly that he possibly wasn't as smart as first thought.

Now, wherever the white man lives, the story is the same shameful tale of men living like beaten curs, but perhaps the greatest disparity between the way he was and the way he is now is in Sweden, a living example of what a state looks like once becoming Feminism Central. The icy north was where the the dreaded Vikings set sail from toward where only two fates could be met: glory or Valhalla. The north was the domain of these master ship-builders, seamen and above all fearless warriors. His reputation struck fear from what would become the British Isles to the land that would be named after the Swedish vikings, the word "Russia" originating from the "Rus" as they were historically known. It was in Russia where the Rus performed
astonishing feats of  hardship overcome. These blonde beasts simply picked up their boats and carried them from a river that couldn't deliver them any further to whichever river allowed greater penetration of the land that they saw as theirs for the taking.

Now look at their descendants. Is it possible these men carry the genes of men who took life by the throat?
Some obviously do. This man does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SeqQGFLUsk
However judging by what he says about the training of boys in preschool where "toxic masculinity", meaning what was once simply masculinity, is being systematically drained from them, he may well be one of a dying breed. In a curious twist, a woman is doing more for the survival of ethnic Swedes than the great majority of the sons of the Vikings. See here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/08/saga-skinhead-subculture-and-spontaneous-rebellion/

It's difficult to imagine the Russ allowing their own land to be swarmed by dark-skinned invaders, let alone standing aside while their women were subjected to mass rape by these same invaders. As the flood of Red barbarism mercilessly conquering eastern Germany at the end of World War 2 demonstrated, no greater humiliation can be inflicted on a people than its men being shown to be unable to protect their women from mass violation. Yet in Sweden, Swedish men seem to be even unaware their country is under attack. And while the unprecedented incidence of rape in Sweden, the world capital of rape, (that's discounting Lesotho where men boast "if I see a woman I like, I just take her") shows no sign of diminishing and its being committed almost 100 per cent by "refugees", Julian Assange continues working on his moon-tan, self-imprisoned in a London embassy, dodging prosecution for the heinous crime of having sex with women without first asking permission to go in "unprotected". It's difficult not to suspect that the relevant legislation was passed by rabid female politicians, perhaps aided by the girly-boy politicians about which the man in the video complains.

Most western European cities have no-go areas where angels and police fear to tread. However, Sweden goes one better in the form of no-go city. It's called Malmo, the third largest city in the country. This is where native Swedish women are well advised to never leave home without a head-scarf - that is if they know what's good for them and don't want to end up being perceived as juicy meat left out for feral cats and as the probably little remembered Bazza McKenzie would have said, "screamin' for it".

However, in fairness, Swedish men shouldn't be singled out, notwithstanding a hand-over of an entire city to the invader with barely a murmur After all, the men of all western Europe have been infected with the same castrating disease (eastern European men being  grimly determined to hang on to theirs). On New Year's Eve 2015, for example, "men of Middle Eastern appearance" celebrated the occasion with mass feel-ups, robberies and rape of young women crowded in the immense plaza laid out in front of the the main train station and the towering  Cologne cathedral. Many more women were raped in other parts of Germany at the same time by the others expressing their gratitude for being offered a new home and a guaranteed income.

If this wasn't bad enough, it was made worse by an attempt by the authorities to keep a publicity lid on the outrage. It certainly wouldn't do to flirt with Islamophobia by besmirching the reputations of Muslims who are, we are constantly assured, by and large kind and beautiful people subscribing to a "religion of peace". The few who transgress are "uneducated" and anyway aren't real Muslims. If it hadn't been for social media and a number of dedicated police disobeying the order to shut up about what had happened, the traumatised girls may possibly have ended up feeling their ordeals had been figments of their overactive imagination, perhaps conflated with "rape fantasies".

But being mindful of the evergreen advice discouraging people living in glass houses from throwing stones, it's only fair to switch our focus to what is happening here in Australia. Are things here any better? Anyone who's read Girls Like You, by Sydney journalist Paul Sheean would know that if they are, it's only marginal and that if Muslim immigration into Australia continues at its present unrelenting pace it's only a matter of time before the margin disappears. Writing at times like a good crime novelist, Sheean follows the atrocious outrages committed by a Muslim rape gang and the ensuing court case. The record sentences passed on the accused reflected the belief that the rapes were squarely in the category of "hate crimes", a heightened level of evil usually reserved for whites offending against the rainbow. It was a difficult conclusion to avoid. The gang had specifically targeted white Australian girls who were spat on and called "Aussie sluts" while they were being raped. It was symptomatic of a raging hatred against all Australians, all things Australian and all infidels. Sheean wrote of the crimes being just the tip of an iceberg: "how many other cultural time bombs were ticking amid the Muslim male population living within the liberality of Australia".

Oddly, but perhaps not all that surprisingly, Australian feminists were conspicuous by their silence on the matter. Oddly, because even being looked at by the wrong kind of man - the right kind of man being the one for whom the yoga-pants stretched-over arse is being wiggled - is tantamount to sexual harassment and is enough to cause feminist melt-down. Not all that surprisingly because of the painful dilemma they find themselves in: multiculturalism - including the poison that Islam is to western liberalism - being as much a part of the leftist wonderland as feminism, the burning question is how, in a play-off, is it decided who's holding the trump card? The answer to this can only be inferred from feminists choosing to solve this problem by simply keeping their mouths shut. By avoiding condemning the sexual war being waged by Muslims they are also avoiding pulling rank. Ergo multiculturalism wins.

For more than fifty years now, Australian feminists have been waging their terror campaign. It seems like only yesterday sophisticated women were arguing against the taboo of women using obscene language. After all, "fuck" was just a word. What real damage can it do?   Silly old taboos.  With that particular one out of the way, the betterment of society has been immeasurable. Now busloads of schoolgirls are telling everyone to get fucked.

But of course this example is minuscule in the grand scheme of the way Australian society has been altered by feminism. Its greatest achievement is the extra large helping of guilt ladled onto men already doubled over with the load of guilt they have been trained to carry. The evil brought to this country has xy stamped all over it. It's not as if a ship full of buxom beauties were the first to spy the east coast of Australia and bring the beginning of the end to the Aborigine's idyll. And of course it wasn't dainty Victorian women hunting them down with murder seething in their poisoned hearts, and actually succeeding in their genocidal intent with the Tasmanians who'd only barely survived the genocide launched at them by the racially different mainland blacks. No! It was men responsible for all this - hardly a spark of good in the whole damn lot.

How different it would all be if women had been in charge of the world. Different indeed. We'd be still sweeping out the cave while madam prepared our next week's roster.

Your time is running out white man. It's you against the world and you can't even be sure which side your own women is on as they throw themselves into the arms of the exotic and dusky and persist in wanting to know why we can't just all get along. To musical accompaniment,"what a wonderful world it would be". Get this into your head: you're being mongrelised out of existence. While everybody else is allowed to have their own homes - the Africans, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Thais, the Arabs and especially the Jews (all welcome as long as you're Jewish) your home is now home to the rest of the world. How long do you possibly hope to survive in that situation? Your house has been invaded by  homeless bums and they're rearranging the furniture and decor so fast you no longer recognise it.

Your god is all but dead; Islam is a circling shark smelling blood and about to go in for the kill.. Like nature, man's need for transcendence  abhors a vacuum, and particularly despises a void attempted to be filled with comsumerism, hedonism, Facebook and sport - go team! It's difficult for you to admit to the sadness deep down where your soul hides. But it's hardly your fault, you cry. After all, what can you do but lapse into self-pity if there's nothing more to believe in? Then how about believing in yourself and your race once again and, most urgently, the survival of your race. It's still not too late. Even the despised and persecuted whites of South Africa are beginning to stand on their hind legs:   http://www.wvwnews.net/content/index.php?/news_story/blackmonday_was_south_africa%E2%80%99s_biggest_white_protest_in_decades.html although for them it probably is too late. But see their ordeal as a salutory warning.

 The same fate has been engineered for the white man of the Great South Land just as everywhere else. Every time some fellow traveller or useful idiot whines about the "invasion" or the "genocide" or about Australia really being part of Asia - the most screaming kamikaze attack on reality of them all - our claim to this land is sabotaged, our grip loosened just that little bit more.  And the eyes and ears of the world are watching and listening, especially those to our north, coveting with undisguised lust the wide open (but uninhabitable) spaces" that the "white trash of Asia" criminally let go to waste.

Those to whom you've handed political power are traitors. Your media lies to you. Your schools and universities are indoctrinating your children and emasculating your sons. Your priests are down in the dirt with leftist propagandists. A huge FOR SALE sign has been planted in your land. You're on your own. What are you going to do? Here's a good starting point. Throw off the guilt so many are trying to cripple you with. Understand that, like the individual, no race is in a position to  throw the first stone. And also like the individual, good and bad exists in every race. The difference is that your guilt has been weaponised against you.  And what a deadly weapon it is. Our enemies know only too well how deadly.

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