If you live outside Canberra and were depending on the controlled mass media to inform you of it then you are more than likely to be still in the dark. However, Saturday February 6 will no doubt be recorded in Australian history as a turning point when the people stood outside 'their' national parliament and stated in no uncertain terms they are fed up with criminal betrayal, cowardly appeasement of people who would see them in harm's way and (a la the film Network) they were fed up and were not going to take it any longer.
To illustrate just how much of a game changer occurred here, simply compare these two head lines from the Canberra Times, the first from April 5, 2015: Anti-Reclaim Australia protesters send pro Islamic message at Parliament House Stand-off. Now listen for the sigh of disappointment in the headline of February 7, 2016: Reclaim Australia Rally Drowns out Counter Protesters. The worm, you might say, had turned, but now looking more like a deadly snake.
And drowned out the embarrassingly small contingent of leftists were. They did though seem reasonably confident when their numbers roughly balanced those of the opposition which was however only an advance guard awaiting the full force of marchers from the old parliament house. Their usual monotone chanting could be heard - please, could someone on their side do some work expanding this deadly boring repertoire - as a kind of background noise while those who simply want Australia to remain Australia chatted amongst themselves.
Seemingly in a panic when the marchers joined those already at the assembly point, the decibels of leftist chanting were ramped up a notch or two but all hope was lost when the rally organisers' PA system roared to life with a cleverly re-written version of John Lennon's Imagine, prompting the listeners to 'imagine there is no Islam'. More heart was lost then and there than could be afforded by the sadly misguided but nevertheless traitorous protesters who could be seen going a deathly pale. But perhaps they had just heavily slip, slop, slapped. Not long after, they quietly quit the field, tail tucked tightly between legs.
The rally in Canberra, organised by Daniel Evans of Reclaim Australia preceded a wave of anti-Islam rallies that rolled across Europe on the same day galvanised by PEGIDA. An acronym standing for Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West, this organisation was born in Dresden Germany (formerly East Germany where PC is nowhere near as endemic as it is in Western Europe).
Australia's contribution was not directly organised by PEGIDA or anybody directly associated with it, but rather as a sympathy strike (meaning in this case to hit, not to stop work). This was a ground-breaking achievement by the Australian Right - also known as the extreme Right because the official right is so far left - not well known for its willingness to co-operate. In fact more infighting than outfighting has been the rule rather than the exception.
This time though, perhaps because there is now an instinctive awareness of the danger and the lateness of the hour, various groups came seamlessly together in as show of unified force. This was such an inspiring rarity that moved at least one speaker to express his hope that perhaps a united front could eventually be welded together.
Perhaps for the first time some sense could be discerned in the Orwellian absurdity, 'strength in diversity' as various speakers shared the same stage. Daniel Nahlia of the Rise Up Australia Party was an early speaker and provided insight into just how far the supposedly democratic state of Australia will go to silence dissidents. The following speakers all acquitted themselves admirably with rousing, inspiring addresses. Blair Cottrell, leader of the United Patriots Front drove home point after point of why the country had arrived at such a parlous point and what needed to be done to save it from the globalisers and New World Order crew. Scott Moeland, ex member of the Australian Army and one of the many feeling betrayed by PC Australian of the Year, David Morrison became so excited the swear jar was almost overflowing. John Bolton, a South Australian lawyer appearing for the defence of Australia won a unanimous decision from the jury of 300 odd.
An interesting addition to the line up was Kim Vuga who won notoriety or fame depending on perspective but no doubt achieved celebrity status from her appearance in the heavily weighted SBS television programme, Go Back to Where You Came From. Kim's staunchness is undeniable. Instead of being bent and buckled as all who appear on the programme representing traditional Australia are expected to be by programmes end, she's apparently emerged from the ordeal feistier with an increased courage of her convictions. Kim is the founder of the Love Australia or Leave party and will be running as a Queensland Senate candidate in the next federal election.
It could be safely assumed that all who came away from the rally (except of course the crestfallen lefties) did so inspired and with a stiffened sense of purpose and hope. As a young Robert Zimmerman once wailed, 'the times, they are a changin' , but nowhere in the way Bob foresaw.
Footnote: Present at the rally was at least one member of the Australian Liberty Alliance distributing ALA literature. Leaders of the ALA quickly issued a disclaimer. A letter was sent to all members expressing the official decree that the ALA in no way desires to be associated with 'neo-Nazis'.
If you agree that multiculturalism, mass third world immigration and sheep-like adherence to the New World Order are not only a betrayal of the Australian people but are as well a betrayal of, and an egregious insult to our ancestors and the founders of the Australian nation and if you would prefer not to see the white race hounded to extinction here and in the rest of the world, this site is for you. If you are at least open-minded in respect of these subjects, this site is for you also.
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