Hurstville. It's a suburb of Sydney, Australia, or at least it use to be. Now it cannot be described as anything other than a Chinese colony. The 2015 Australian Bureau of Statistics population census showed the total of Hurstville's inhabitants speaking either Mandarin or Cantonese as a first language to be a whopping 47.1% (as opposed to 21.8% speaking English) making the Chinese to be the far and away the dominant ethnic group of the municipality. It is populated by heart-soul-and-mind Chinese enjoying the lush benefits of a stupidly suicidal nation intent on writing itself out of history. The heart, soul and mind remain in Red Flag China, but the body has relocated to a land of the free-booting capitalism so loved by any Chinese worth his salt. Communism, a passing aberration, never really suited and could only be enthroned at the barrel of a gun.
Here the Chinese entrepreneurial spirit can make out like a bandit while at the same time swinging above a multi-billion dollar social safety net. Capitalistic socialism! Why couldn't Mao have come up with something like this?
Take a stroll about Hurstville. A brief cruise through will give you a good sense of the Oriental flavour of the place but you need to spend a little time here to appreciate the enormity of what has happened here. It's the numbers. It's a similar experience to seeing a few cockroaches around, then following them to uncover their nest. One can be shocked at the sheer size of the infestation. It will begin to feel surreal. Are you really still in Australia? Or are you experiencing some sort of flash-back to your travels in Asia. You are strongly reminded of your experiences of being immersed in a radically different culture by your instinctive, almost unconscious, searching for someone - anyone - like you, and for that split second, upon finding him, when your eyes lock in racial recognition.
Blood-temperature increases just a little along with the rising thought that you have become a stranger in a strange land within your own land. The resentment tastes like burnt ash.
Our treasonous ruling elite have recently been doing handstands and whooping for joy at the 'free trade' agreement recently signed with China. Some of the fine print has leaked out, such as the allowance for the Chinese to bring along their own labour needed for the construction of whatever projects may be in the offing. Just this one fact alone nicely encapsulates where the benefits would be going: to the Chinese and the aforemention ruling elite - little or nothing to the Australian people but further sorrow at a lost land. This trade deal is only the latest in a one sided association where Australian 'leaders' with the vision of blind men continue to be wildly outclassed by business acumen unfettered by scruples wielded by men who think in centuries rather than the time left to the next election. These deals are no doubt littered with clauses and loop-holes so foul and odious the whole story could never be revealed to the Australian people.
The evidence before our eyes though gives us some inkling of the betrayal that has been perpetrated. Go to Hurstville. Go to Kensington. Go to Chatswood. Stroll along George Street from Town Hall to Haymarket. Chinese, Chinese and more Chinese. One would have to be extremely gullible to believe that some secret deal has not been done whereby in exchange for some piddling financial/material reward, our rulers have agreed to receive a substantial chunk of China's excess population. And in terms of excess population, there is plenty more where that came from.
With whites predicted to become a minority in their own country (this is actually being celebrated by left/liberal useful idiots), who will comprise the new management? This is more a rhetorical question than a real one. The Chinese are already positioning themselves to be the new brain and nervous system of the country. Simply
take a look at who has taken over our selective schools, and at our
universities where large Chinese proportions of the student body have
imposed their own form of Apartheid. The scandal of selling off student
places that should have gone to our own people and in the process is
cheapening an Australian university degrees to the point where they will
be worthless is compounded by the fact that foreign students on
completing a degree are then given a free pass to residency and
eventually citizenship.
It should be borne in mind that, as might be expected in the magical multicultural take on immigration where aliens are encouraged to be remain aliens while pretending to be Australians, overseas Chinese remain Chinese with the important peculiarity of a huge majority of them not remaining simply Chinese but loyal Chinese - loyal to China that is - and even prepared to be agents of CCP foreign policy. This has been amply demonstrated by frenzied protests by so-called Australian Chinese incensed at Australian Government decisions in regard to China.
The recent insane ninety nine year leasing of Darwin Harbour to a shop-front for the CCP is one indication of long term geopolitical/military strategic planning.. It may take a war with the US but by hook or by crook the People's Republic of China is determined to regain its ancient position as the Middle Kingdom and take possession of what it rightly sees as its share of the world, this time much more directly than a mere suzerainty.
So with the smart Chinese then officially running the show in Australia as it would be the
whole slab of the globe that was considered to be the Chinese 'sphere of
influence' it would be unlikely the descendents of the creators of civilisation on the great,south land, eventually merely a rump of the original
European society, could expect too many favours..
After all, after flagellating ourselves for decades for the evil
incarnate that we were, stealing a continent, perpetuating genocide,
being so insufferably arrogant as to, for much of our national life, have
a 'white Australia' policy, could we really expect any mercy? All our
new lords and masters would be doing would be agreeing with our opinion of ourselves
and giving us all we richly deserved.
Does this seem far fetched? Then read Amy Chua's World on Fire, especially
what she has to say about the ethnic hatred that has dogged the Chinese
in every country in which they have appropriated the economy.
In the countries of South East Asia where the Chinese have gotten hold of the economic levers, regular explosions of ethnic hatred have occurred. For example, it
is estimated that in 1965 up to half a million Chinese were slaughtered
in Indonesia. In Malaysia in 1969 ethnic Chinese were burnt alive in
the streets of Kuala Lumpur, giving rise to the New Economic Policy
which would discriminate in favour of the bumiputra, or 'sons of the soil' (the real Malaysians)
and effectively hobbling the Chinese economically (the original reason
we ended up with so many ethnic Chinese Malaysians studying at out
universities, barred as they were from Malaysian campuses).
It's worth bearing in mind that all these outrages in reaction to the perception in these countries that they were being furtively white-anted and taken over by aliens who would never truly belong happened at a time when the mass murdering Mao Tse-tung had his hands full consolidating power in the homeland and was not in a position to do anything about it.
But how times have changed. And how Mao would be spinning in hell if he could see the booming market economy his tailored Marxist/Leninist fantasy has transmogrified into and the superpower it has spawned. It is unlikely that modern China with its present economic and military might would tolerate anything like the anti-Chinese disturbances of the sixties without intervention. It is even more unlikely it would tolerate any anti-Chinese sentiment in the lands effectively their colonies. How are things in Tibet these days?
Yet we continue to sleep-walk into the into the dragon's lair. She'll be right. We'll continue to watch the footy and the cricket's much more exciting these days. And what a national outrage it was when that sexist cricketer had the temerity to pay a female interviewer a compliment. We'll guzzle beer and spend up big on four wheel drive leviathans that never get dirty and watch Home and Away and continue to offer thanks to our Hedonism/Consumerism god that the rest of the world with all its nasty problems is so far away from our sun-drenched, tanned blonded beaches.
One day the dreamers will awaken but it will be too late. We'll effectively have given away our country. It will be gone without a shot being fired - a phenomenon unprecedented and unthinkable until very recently. People not that long ago would have fought to the death rather than have their land taken from them. Of course by then with the population well in excess of the already excessive 50 million that our pathological business leaders think ought to be a nice, round number, our people would be just another minority group and it would be the
height of foolishness to assume that we would be
idolised and pampered in the way we have our minorities. It
would be more realistic to assume that we would be treated, particularly
if we dared to resist, in much the same way as the Falun Gong are
treated in China. Need an organ transplant? We've got a Falun Gong
around here somewhere.
How would our Aborigines fare? It's likely they would have something to really whinge about. The Chinese don't really like black people. The many Africans now studying at Chinese universities as part of the price paid for Chinese neo-colonialism of Africa are known not so affectionately as 'black devils'.
Perhaps, if the remnants of our people have found a way of saving their history from the obliteration preferred for obvious reasons by their new rulers a raggedy clothed blue-eyed child might be asking his emaciated father how it had happened.
"Well, the signs were there,' his father admits. They were buying up all the best farmland. Why, they bought the entire Tasmanian dairy industry. And big city real estate. That was going off like it was on special at a Boxing Day sale. Yeah, Boxing Day, that's what it was called when we still had Christmas. I guess we just weren't paying attention."
If you agree that multiculturalism, mass third world immigration and sheep-like adherence to the New World Order are not only a betrayal of the Australian people but are as well a betrayal of, and an egregious insult to our ancestors and the founders of the Australian nation and if you would prefer not to see the white race hounded to extinction here and in the rest of the world, this site is for you. If you are at least open-minded in respect of these subjects, this site is for you also.
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