Of course Port Arthur was a bloody conspiracy! And it involved at least some level of one or more governments, likely with overseas support. Anyone who, apparently as Pauline has done, takes a little time to browse the available literature pointing out the nonsense inherent in the official story will inevitably arrive at the same conclusion.
The media's predictable reaction, representing all "right thinking" Australians though is instructive in illustrating the almost parallel universes coming into being. The globalist elite with the millions of sheep it has corralled exists in one; in the other exists that proportion of the world's population slowly but surely awakening to the monumental scam being pulled - the one with the objective of converting the entire world's population into unthinking slaves with their world being nothing but an artificially constructed reality.
The Matrix indeed, or at least the first part of the film before it descended into the typical Hollywood version of entertainment, which nevertheless presented us with the priceless red pill/blue pill analogy which has found its established place in the English language, or at least in the language of those of us who are a wake-up to what is really going on. The pejorative "Conspiracy theory" has also found its place in the language, but mainly in the language of those who try, against all odds, to maintain that there are no such things as conspiracies. Right! And there are no such things as buildings the magically collapse for no reason or moronic gunmen who perform feats that only a few in the world - highly trained, psychologically conditioned special forces types - could accomplish.
For your red pill on the Port Arthur massacre simply enter "Martin Bryant" into the search facility in top right-hand corner of this blog.
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