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As the Asianisation of Australia accelerates as per Lib/Lab plans - the long-standing bipartisan agreement destroying totally the illusion of Australian democracy, revealing in its place the reality of soft tyranny - a rich assortment of nasties is something you will have to get used to.
Firstly though, although you more than likely never thought of yourselves as being anything other than Australian - being designated Anglo-Australian was the original tip-off to this - you will need to swallow the bitterest of all pills: you, as simply the member of one ethnic group amongst a multitude of ethnic groups, will have no right to complain about the behaviour of people who in no way share your cultural values. Doing so may well see you being hauled before a Human Rights Commission and then - who knows? A "re-education camp" may be your next port of call. That's because, of course, your complaining would have been construed as racial vilification, or worse; you may have been deemed to have been harbouring the outlawed emotion of "hate" As with everything else to do with mass immigration and multiculturalism, it's a numbers game. Numbers dictate demographic reality. For example, when multiculturalism was first being foisted upon the Australian people, the relatively low numbers of people radically different from those of the host population allowed the perpetrators of this insidious but monumental crime to get away with fooling the public into believing this slight change would in no way affect the racial make-up of the nation - it was just a touch of spice being added to a somewhat boring stew. (Mmm mmm, all those exciting, exotic foreign restaurants popping up like mushrooms. Who could be against that?) It was only after the numbers increased exponentially that thinking Australians became disturbed at what was happening to their country. But naturally, by then, a fait accompli had been achieved and our traitorous elite could afford to be a little more honest about what they had planned for us. Besides, anyone who objected was as far beyond the pale as paedophiles and rapists - they were "racists". As the numbers of aliens continued to increase, so did the numbers of concerned Australians. When whole swathes of our land had begun to resemble foreign countries, the numbers game had changed radically. A point called critical mass had been achieved. Now, instead of immigrants being expected to change to adapt to their new country, as was expected in earlier immigration models, members of the host population were expected to change in order to adapt to the ways of immigrants. The Muslim addition to our population provides another example of how growing numbers affect attitudes, emboldening those whose numbers are increasing. In the early days of Muslim immigration to Australia - the crackpot idea of former Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser in welcoming all and sundry from the war-torn and failed state of Lebanon - it seemed we had been blessed by the presence of the friendly, type of moderate Muslims our idiot leftists swoon over: the type who just want to fit in, get on with their lives and become good Australians. With numbers being small, this was an eminently sensible position reinforced by fear of consequences should they be perceived as being anything other than that. Naturally though, as numbers grew, Australian Muslims began showing their true colours, the predominant one being blood red as jihadists cut loose, mowed us down in the streets, and shot and stabbed us, proclaiming all the while it was being done in the name of Allah. So, it can be seen that numbers have an effect on reality and our reality will continue to change because of growing numbers of people not like us and have no desire to be like us. This has been shown most graphically in the south-west USA which has fallen to the reconquista of people from south of the border who have renamed the area "Aztlan". The epitome of poor losers, these invaders still refuse to accept the result of the 1846-48 Mexican-American war and are taking back by stealth all that was lost by their ancestors. So how does Aztlan look? Does it look like any other part of traditional America but perhaps with a surfeit of Taco joints? On the contrary, where the Mexicans have settled resemble more the barrios they left behind south of the Rio Grande. This is the result of a simple but iron law of nature: people create a culture and not vice versa as our rulers apparently think we are stupid enough to believe, that is, that if you would but allow any sub-species of Homo Sapien, be they Hottentot, desert-dwelling Bedouins or Pygmies from the island of Flores, the opportunity to breath the bracing air of Australia and tread its dry earth will instantly and miraculously transform into dinky-di, true blue Aussies. How will this principle play out in the Australian setting? Exactly the way it already is except that these are comparatively early days. Suburbs written on in Chinese characters, for example, are nothing to what is to follow. Fortunately, your intrepid correspondent who has just returned from the most recent of many tours throughout the Third World to our north in a refresher course of what it will really mean when Asians R Us, is here to help with advice on the metamorphosis that is to come and what to expect. Firstly, TRAFFIC A recent headline in the (Sydney) Daily Telegraph moaned, "Choked roads sicken city DRIVING US CRAZY". When compared with what is to come, this is laughable. Indeed, in a future not so distant, we'll be looking back on the roads supposedly injuring our mental health as though they were country lanes along which we motored with nary a care in the world. Readers who have spent time on the truly choked and choking (by pollution) roads of Manila or Bangkok will know what I mean. This is inevitably where we are headed unless trends change, which they won't - not if the all powerful Big Australia crowd have anything to do with it, and they will. In Manila, for example, everything possible has been done to tame the monster of city-killing traffic, from ever more freeways to odds and even days; this is when only cars with number plates ending in even numbers are allowed on the roads on a particular day, and conversely the next. The traffic authorities of Manila are presently considering a scheme in which only residents who can prove ownership of a garage or access to off-street parking will be allowed car ownership. This naturally will be a pin-prick on an elephant, the name of which is Overpopulation. As traffic grows to this point, it becomes more and more chaotic and anarchic where rules boil down to the basic principle of might being right, or whose nerve is the first to crack. Speeding though will not be a problem. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY of which there will be little. This problem is, of course, a spin-off of the former. As motorists are driven ever crazier and more frustrated by the notion that their ownership of automobiles affords them little of mobility, pedestrians become little more than a nuisance - just an extra source of frustration. The contempt with which they are treated in all of Third World Asia could only be made possible by their being seen as less than human. Pedestrian crossings offer no refuge. One can only wonder at why paint is wasted on their being marked out. If daring to use them as their reason for being indicates, the false feeling of security could prove fatal. At best, you will be aggressively beeped at to get out of the way - the beeper having no intention of changing course. At worst, you will be run down. As unbelievable as it may seem, received wisdom in Cambodia has it that if you are knocked down on the road, you use your remaining strength and ability to get to safety. This is because the vehicle that hit you may be backed up to finish you off. And this is because the death of a pedestrian is easier to smooth over by way of greased palms than one who is merely injured but perhaps with years of medical bills to compensate for. FOOTPATHS which are barely navigable. This is linked to the first two problems. Most footpaths in the cities of Asia are thin at best. But because they are seen to be wasted on despised pedestrians, they are invariably used for what are seen to be much more useful purposes, such as setting up food and trinket stalls or parking spaces for bikes, cars, and trucks. This extracurricular use naturally enough places great strain on what, after all, are usually constructed of inferior concrete. They, therefore, become quickly broken and smashed and dangerous in the dark. It seems never to occur to those within whose purview this may be to rectify the problem. In other words, once footpaths are grievously damaged, that is how they stay. As much as a pedestrian would like to keep to a footpath, this preference is doomed to disappointment. Time and time again, he will be forced out onto the road where car-horns will blast him and vehicles will pass close enough to remind him that he is nothing more than a nuisance, and less than human at that. ANIMALS For some unfathomable reason, Asians, or to be fair, the great majority of Asians, are apparently unable to view animals as sentient beings. Rather, they are seen as some kind of automaton that needs to be fed in order to keep it functioning. Oh, and they shit as well, which also differentiates them from warm-blooded machines. Like humans, they also need water which is something that is evidently often overlooked. When enquiring about what happened to someone's "pet" dog, the answer may well be that it died of dehydration - a no-fault way of saying it was allowed to die of thirst in what is usually an infernally hot environment. Cruelty to animals is the norm. For instance, if a concerned Caucasian were to intervene in the beating of a dog or emaciated pony, the reaction of the Asian perpetrator would likely be one of puzzlement. After all, it is only an animal that is being beaten. In some parts of Asia, it is not uncommon to see dogs in form-fitting cages outside commercial establishments. And those establishments are not pet-shops if you catch my drift. Many people would be surprised to learn that bull-fighting is popular in Thailand. The way the spectacle there is conducted though differs somewhat from the Latin form. In Thailand, it's only bulls that fight - one bull against another and cheered on by human spectators safely ensconced behind a barricade. Also in Thailand, as well as other parts of Asia, cock-fighting is riotously popular. This is, of course, when two birds with natural fighting inclinations are fitted with razor-sharp spurs and allowed to go at one another. A "nicety" of the "sport" is that when a bird is defeated, a basket is placed over the fighters so that the spectators are spared the grisly sight of the victor finishing off the vanquished. This can be a big money activity and owners of champion birds will think nothing of transporting them all over the country. It, in fact, is not unusual for passengers in planes to hear the distressed crowing of roosters from the cargo hold while in flight. Already in Australia, some prosecutions have been made against the staging of cock-fights. However, on learning the barbarity is not quite to the liking of real Australians, the crime has no doubt gone underground, so no way exists of knowing exactly how widespread it is. One thing for sure is that it will increase in direct proportion to booming Asianisaton. PERSONAL SPACE This is something you will have to get used to having less of. What is traditionally personal space to Australians is wasted room to Asians. Feeling as though no space exists between you and the person on the seat next to you on a train? Think again. Eventually, someone will see space there and take a seat, giving a new meaning to the term, wriggle-room. Feel uncomfortable while waiting for service at MacDonalds and someone steps in front of you with the back of his head right in your face? Get used to it or get into a scuffle. Getting into a scuffle is probably the best alternative. After all, why go gentle into that good night? OVERCROWDING which, naturally enough is closely related to loss of personal space but on a grander scale. It would be difficult not to notice the exponential growth of towering apartment blocks in multiple suburbs of Australia's major cities as they expand vertically as well as horizontally. Our new arrivals take to these monstrous ants' nests with perfect ease because they are perfectly used to them in places such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Beijing. They probably wonder why this liking for close and personal living isn't quite shared by the round-eyes. These losers will still be nostalgically remembering the once sacred but long disappeared tradition of the quarter-acre block - you know, back-yards for kids to play in and with room for a shed which was a kind of sanctuary in which a bloke could do blokey things. Sheds of the remaining stand-alone homes of the future will probably be converted to sub-let domiciles. COMBINATION OF OVERCROWDING AND INADEQUATE INFRASTRUCTURE Manila, the capital of a country in which rain falls every day for around half the year is currently experiencing a severe water shortage. Even when dams are full, one risks contracting diseases such as typhoid from drinking the water. This is because difficulty prevails in keeping the water supply free of raw sewage. Need more be said? AESTHETICS? WHAT ARE THEY? Any First Worlder who has travelled through the man-made portions of Third World Asia would have been struck by the sheer ugliness of it. OK, we are talking about lands where debilitating poverty prevails, but is that an explanation to a seeming obliviousness to what is beautiful? It is not as though Asians are incapable of including beauty in the things the surroundings they create. The exquisite beauty of the thousand-year-old teak temples of Burma and Laos attest to that. But it seems only what's sacred deserves to be beautiful and nothing else matters. As long as a building, for example, is utilitarian, that's enough. It doesn't really matter what it looks like. Is it pleasing to the eye? No. So what? Grotesque jumbles of electrical wiring crowd the tops of power poles. They still deliver electricity (most of the time), don't they? So, what's the problem? Ugliness is something millions of Asians are happy to live with. In fact, individual Asians are not above contributing to it. Take comparatively rich Singapore, for instance, where horizontal forests of poles stick out of apartment windows decked with drying washing. So much for highly populated urban areas. However, not even the beauty of nature has been able to escape this wanton desecration. The area on the northern tip of the island of Palawan in the Philippines named by the Spanish conquerors El Nido (the nest) is a horrible example of which I speak. The "nest" was an apt designation. It nestles in a semi-circle carved out of mountains by mother nature at her most artistic. An azure sea laps at the beach which it fronts. What has been done to this area though would cause a Nimbin Hippy uncontrollable tears. That's because rampant greed has fuelled a competition between developers racing to throw up ramshackle hotels and bars that crowd as close as possible to the beach. Imagine, if you will, Noosa Heads in Queensland with a huge squatter camp dumped in its midst. An analogy would be to take a beauty queen and throw acid in her face. As white genocide advances apace in the great south land, an eye for beauty will be an early casualty. THE EROSION OF MANNERS crucially important as the lubrication of society. Remember, those cultural norms and values you once thought so important will not be allowed to be clung to if seen to be making waves in a multicultural society. Haven't you noticed for example that feminists who can become enraged by a "male-gaze" from someone not considered attractive seem not to notice the oppression of Muslim women, not to mention female genital mutilation? That's because already multiculturalism trumps even the might of white feminism. So, it would seem rather petty to be concerned about such things as the disappearance of manners if it is all to the good of smoothly running multiculturalism. Someone bumps you in the street and offers no apology? Get used to it. Someone ignores the queue and goes straight to the ticket window ahead of all those who have been waiting patiently? Get used to it. A crowd of people charges onto a train without first allowing existing passengers to disembark? Get used to it. All this is the true meaning of Asianisation. You can't say you haven't been warned. |
If you agree that multiculturalism, mass third world immigration and sheep-like adherence to the New World Order are not only a betrayal of the Australian people but are as well a betrayal of, and an egregious insult to our ancestors and the founders of the Australian nation and if you would prefer not to see the white race hounded to extinction here and in the rest of the world, this site is for you. If you are at least open-minded in respect of these subjects, this site is for you also.
Monday, March 11, 2019
FULL BOTTLE ASIANISATION: What you, and especially your children, need to know
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